Thursday, April 14, 2011


I am doing a giveaway here.  Please become a follower of Curds and Whey, Holly's really cute craft blog, and be come a follower of my Tupperware website.  You can win an AMAZING "Thatsa Bowl" from Tupperware. 

To earn extra entries follow the instructions on Curds and Whey.  This is a great opportunity to begin your collection!!! 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thatsa Bowl

Hello Everyone.  I am so excited to start this blog and post a few of my favorite items from my lifeline obsession.  I am now a consultant for Tupperware.  It is going to be a great way to feed my addiction. 

I will be highlighting items from Tupperware and get you all addicted with me! 

One of my favs is the wonderful "Thatsa Bowl".

This bowl has a 32 cup capacity.  It is perfect for taking a salad to a pot luck, or bathing your child.

Right now, this bowl is a darling green color with a yellow lid.  I love this bowl.  Contact me for more information on Tupperware.